Aircraft Tow Tractor
Tractor to push aircraft to open bay or tow to another bay.

Water Service Truck
Behicle to supply water to aircraft.

Lavatory Service Truck
Behicle to suck sewage from aircraft.

Towing Tractor
Cart which tow dolly for cargo/baggage.

Passenger Step Car
Behicle with step to airplane.

Crew Step
Step used for non or few pax flight.

Main Deck Loader
Behicle with lift system to load in/unload from main deck of cargo aircraft.

High Lift Loader
Lift car used to load container and pallet into cargo room of aircraft.

Belt Loader
Car with belt combeyer for loose loaded cargo,baggage and mail bag.

Truck with a fork-device on the front for lifting and moveing heavy objects.

Pallet Dolly
Dolly with stack appliance for pallets.Towed by towing tug.

Container Dolly
Dolly with stack appliance for containers.Towed by towing tug.

Bulk Cart
Cart for loose loaded cargo,baggage and mail bag.Towed by towing tug.

Baggage Battery Cart
Electric cart for bulk loaded baggage.

Iron bar used between aircraft and towing tractor.

Behicle with arm and gondola to spray de-icing/anti-icing fluids.

Garbage Car
Track with garbage box.

Marshalling Car
Car with elevator and stand used for aircraft marchaling.